Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Realization after two decades

Its always good to start things on a lighter I would to share the story of a kid who took the National pledge taught in school too seriously in life and finally realized the awkwardness after almost a couple of decades :)...

Story starts like this...

The kid used to go a Christian missionary school and every day morning, they recite the National Pledge and I think the part which he took too seriously is "All Indians are my brothers and sisters.."..

The effects of it started showing up more from the time he joined college. He was in his first year of engineering and two girls in his class became good friends of him, from then he started calling them sister's (pedhakka & chinnakka). Again why ?? He has no idea.... and what's the result.. the friendship went nuts :(

He thought chill boss, how can calling them differently can screw things up.. NO Way...

Story continues....

Fast forward one year the second year of his college, one more girl became a good friend of him... same story repeat but result not too worse :P ..still good friends may be because he doesn't call her sister anymore ;)

By then he started realizing there is something fishy about having other ships attached to friendship :)
.. but didn't decide story continues again and again in his life many times even after he graduates and joins his professional life....
Fast forward after many experiences, he thought hmmmmmm this should be given a serious thought...

Why this change ??

 his inner soul told, as the friendship between a guy and a girl is easily mistaken by the people around them, so this is best way to give clarity to the society.....

Holdeeee.. you are in 21st century..

After having a deep thought and good conversations he realized why will people around him even have so much of free time to make assumptions about him and also if one or two have such time.. why should he even care about such people :P

Also he started facing problems when the story just doesn't end with calling them but also started feeling them as his own sisters as he compares them with his own sisters (that's the worst part though :P). Also he realized that every relationship may be friendship or a brother sister relationship has its own roles, responsibilities which should never be mixed to have a pleasant life. It's not at all wrong to be good close friends and its not impossible too :)

so he decided to take a new year resolution AFTER TWO DECADES that he will not mix up friendship with other such as bro-sis relationships and he is very happy with the two sweet sisters he have in his life (one god choose & the other he choose (yams of course you are an exception!!!))..

By now you might have guessed who the kid is... its none other than me and it is my story :)

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2015.

'అంకిత భావం' - The foundation for any success.

'అంకిత భావం' - The word which delights me today but also raises a question in my mind about not being educated in mother tongue as t...