Saturday, October 24, 2015

My first interaction with 100

Came back home with feeling of  relaxation and accomplishment after walking around in the streets of Hyderabad in hot sun....

It has been more than six months I touched my pulsar and today I finally decided to pull out sometime to get this fellow some new power (oil change) :)....

Halted at one of Bajaj service centres and was waiting for mechanic to attend my bike, and I see a three year old kid crying and running in the middle of the road....:(

I tried to ask him details, but he doesn't speak out anything, but was showing some direction when I ask him where does he live... I somehow managed to make him stop crying and both of us started walking in the way which he was directing me and try to interact with each other in our alien language (facepalm)....

So after roaming in three streets and I finally realized that this buddi fellow is confused of the location :D The only hope I was left with was our Indian Police, so for the first time in my life I called up 100 and after providing the call center person with my details and the location, myself and this kid were sitting at the landmark which we provided to the police and waiting for callback from the nearest police station. With in 5 minutes I get a call from the police station speaking in a respectful voice asking me about the location and the details which I know about the kid.... luckily just before our conversation ended, the kid's dad showed up and the informed the same to the police officer, he thanked me and ended the conversation...

The reason I am sharing my experience today is to convey couple of things... first.. please take good care of innocent infants and educate people around you to teach their kids basic things like father's name and his name, nearest landmark so that it will be easy to get them back in such situations, second... never hesitate to take help of the police, they are very responsive :)

Signing off...
Happy Weekend :)

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'అంకిత భావం' - The foundation for any success.

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